
30 Must-Read Books for IT Professionals

The Society for Information Management, the national organization of CIOs, just released its 2011 book list for candidates in its Regional Leadership Forum program. Because the annual list of 30 books is a central component of the IT executive development program, the chosen titles are often viewed as the "must reads" for all IT professionals looking to advance their careers.While many of the books are perennials, such as Machiavelli's "The Prince," there were a half-dozen new additions this year.The following slide show highlights the six new titles on the 2011 list. Click here to see SIM's complete list of 30 recommended books.

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Patrick Lencioni

Patrick Lencioni's final entry to his trilogy of didactic fables is a parable of a new CEO who identified shortfalls and led the reformation of an effective business team. The book is an "astutely written ... entertaining and quick" read according to its Amazon review, which details Lencioni's "five dysfunctions" (absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of accountability and inattention to results). Readers highly suggest this book, along with Lencioni's previous books, "The Five Temptations of a CEO" and "Obsessions of an Extraordinary Executive." Click here to view on Amazon.

The Visual Miscellaneum: A Colorful Guide to the World's Most Consequential Trivia - David McCandless

A collection of cutting-edge graphs, charts and illustrations aimed at bridging the semantic gap between information and comprehension, McCandless' latest effort should be candy for graphic and visualization devotees. These people already know graphics are harder to get right than the spoken word and an awkward and embarrassing place to be incorrect when facts are misrepresented. Readers were quick to point out errors and omissions in their reviews, which might make this book even more useful in an unintentional way. It's also a learning experience for McCandless, who points out things he'd "change or tweak or improve" from his author page. Click here to view on Amazon.

The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America - David Whyte

Corporate employment has been a roped-off area of pragmatic income generation for those people who expected a more creative or self-controlled life. Whyte's book may not captivate those who are not inclined to poetry, or are without a contemplative rather than gainful approach to life; Booklist's review confirms this by saying the author's "intuitive rather than rational line of reasoning will mystify--perhaps infuriate--executives hardened to everything except career advancement." Click here to view on Amazon.

The Future of Management - Gary Hamel

In a world where adaptability and creativity now drive success, the current management model (based on control and efficiency) is no longer adequate. So says business expert and author Gary Hamel, who, in his latest call for management innovation, elucidates new ways of mobilizing talent, allocating resources and building strategies that work.Along the way, Hamel identifies what he calls "toxic" legacy beliefs that prevent companies from overcoming new challenges, and provides real-world examples of organizations using unconventional management practices to generate innovative management breakthroughs. Click here to view on Amazon.

Switch - How to Change Things When Change is Hard - Chip & Dan Heath

This book professes to help you change things ... and through the use of analogy, the authors describe successful change as getting people to behave in a new way. To illustrate, they draw comparisons to that theory as it applies to every level, individual, organization, and society.Getting individuals to change requires the leader to do several things at once, such as changing the individual's situation, using psychology to communicate the emotional vs. rational look at the change required, and creating goals related to that change that are both manageable and visible. Click here to view on Amazon.

Winners Never Cheat - Jon Huntsman

Since its first publishing in 2005, the business world as we know it has been in a state of constant financial turmoil, with scandals inside the largest and most profitable organizations now commonplace. In this latest expanded version, Huntsman asks the business executive reader to bring back the days when a handshake was sacred and decisions