The Hartford Goes Greener

In a move to further their environmental credibility, The Hartford is now offering a five-percent discount on renewal rates to policyholders with electric vehicles.

The discount is currently available in eight states— Alabama, Arizona, California, Illinois, Kansas, Minnesota, Oklahoma and Texas—with plans to implement it nationwide by the end of 2012.

“The Hartford is committed to environmental protection and we are delighted to encourage others to engage in the effort,” said Andy Napoli, The Hartford’s president of Consumer Markets. "This financial incentive is a small way we can thank our customers for helping to foster a greener environment."

The Hartford has a history of supporting environmental trends and causes, and in 2011, Newsweek magazine honored the carrier as the greenest financial services company in the country—and 12th overall in the United States.

The company began offering owners of hybrid vehicles a five-percent discount in 2009, maintains an environmental committee and is pursuing a second-round of gas emission reduction targets for 2017. The Hartford also launched a renewable energy insurance practice in 2010.

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